The Divine Feminine is Not Feminist.

4 min readOct 27, 2020

What it has meant to be a woman, to me, is always a difficult concept. Everyone has their own expectations of what a woman is and what she does. There are approximately 3.803 billion women on the planet currently, but not one of them is the same as the next. All women, and men, are completely different than the next. To assume anyone might act a certain way because they fall into one of two barely defined categories is absolutely ludicrous.

There are many women that flood my life. My mother, being my own primordial example — as for anyone. I have three sisters who all live a very socially conventional feminine existence. For me, the feminine inside of me doesn’t look like the feminine inside everyone else. It’s hard because everyone believes it should look the same inside of everyone — it doesn’t and it won’t; at least if you’re doing it right.

Keep in mind, my opinion is not better than anyone else’s, and I wouldn’t believe that it was for a moment. However, I do have a perspective that is unique to the world we are living in.

I hate feminism. I hate feminism because at its core: feminism is a masculine celebration of the divine feminine. Let me say it one more time and try to allow it to soak in. Feminism is a masculine celebration of the divine feminine. It, in it of itself, is not the divine feminine. Feminism is not bad; however, I believe that Feminism exists in our culture today because in our cultural mythos. There is no divine mother. Sure, we may casually mention “Mother Nature” — but truly, when was the last time we, as the human race, took the time to glorify women. Because so many of us have been touched by or affected by Christianity we stopped believing that there were any important women in the history of the world. Feminism needs to exist so that Feminine voices are heard because divine feminism isn’t screaming over the argument to be heard; it is waiting for those who are screaming to finally listen.

In life, there are principles of existence. If you have ever heard of or taken the time to look at the Hermetic Laws the very last one is: The Principle of Gender. Masculine and Feminine properties are in everything. They are the divine yin and yang, the ebb and flow. Masculine would be considered the yang, the right side of your body, and is “giving” in nature. Feminine would be considered yin, the left side of your body, and is “receiving” in nature. To increase your own longevity and provide balance in your life you need both, regardless of your own identified gender.

The culture we live in has been so masculine for so long everything has turned into “Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better”; but what if we all agreed to quit the pissing contest and put our dicks away? What if we all agreed that no one needs to win; that we all can win if we just shut the fuck up, sit the fuck down, and talk to each other.

The only people that don’t want to sit down and talk it out are people who are afraid of losing their power. Their own illusion though, is that there is a lack of power in talking things through and making sure everyone is okay. What if we could live in a culture where everyone felt as though they had the power to effectively change their lives? Maybe suicide would decline. Maybe clinical depression wouldn’t be so prevalent. Maybe our own Earth could begin to regenerate. Maybe more people would begin to see their life as meaningful. Maybe more people would have an impact on those around them because they know they are being heard.

Imagine with me for a moment that there are 7.8 billion people in the world, but we’re all standing in one room trying to decide how to proceed into the future. There are going to be 7.8 billion people trying to speak over each other. Eventually, someone is going to get tired of the arguing and someone is going to sit down. Then a few more people get tired of the arguing and they just want peace so they sit down. They aren’t sitting next to the first person, but there are still more and more people growing tired of the fighting so more people continue to sit down. Some people see there are others sitting so they go sit by them. Slowly but surely more people gather and sit and enjoy the peace of not having to argue anymore. Soon enough, 7.7 billion people are sitting down. There is now 1% of the original population still standing and arguing: that’s where we are now. One percent of all of the people on this planet are still standing and fighting. Sometimes their fighting even hurts the people around them — they may step on someone’s hand accidentally or grab their face to maintain balance, but they’re still fighting to the tooth and nail. They believe they are right in their actions, but truly everyone around them is tired of the fighting and just wants to actually get something constructive done for the whole of humanity.

We need to ask those 1% to kindly sit down.

The Divine Feminine is knowing that there is power in sitting down. In sitting down we find peace, we can collaborate, we can listen, we can be heard, we can listen to ourselves and let our feelings guide us, we can become whole in a world that has tried desperately to fragment us from ourselves.

